Tuesday, June 21, 2016


1. What do you know about the publication of Noli Me Tangere?  
  <I know about publication of Noli Me Tangere on 1887.

2. How did affect the Philippines??
      <It affects to the Phillippines to determine the situation of social change and revive filipino nationalism,pride and dignity.

3. Do you think novels in the Philippines are important as they used to be when the NOLI was published in 1887?

4. Are people still inspired by novels? Explain.
      <Yes,because novels is describe about fictional characters and events.

5. What is it about reading long texts, such as short stories or novels that makes  it different from reading tweets and Facebook status post? 
       < in novels you can learn a lot of interesting in Facebook a lot of information.

6. What is the significance of literature for the Facebook generation?
        <the significance of literature for the Facebook generation is to give information.