Monday, January 16, 2017

       There is a resurgence among a diverse US population who believe that guardian angels not only exist, but claim to have a working relationship with them. Angelogy seminars and lectures, and a noticeable rise in publications about angelic contact, indicate a growing acceptance of angelic presence in everyday life. Accounts of angelic contact contain common elements that angels are incorporeal, sexless, highly intelligent, able to move at the speed of thought, full of warmth and joy, are cooperative not competitive, and often say the same thing: Don't be afraid.A recent cover story of Time magazine called it a grass-roots revolution of the spirit. The article, `The New Age of Angels,' states: 69 per cent of Americans believe they [angels] exist. What in heaven is going on?

Writer Nancy Gibbs explores the questions many people are seeking to answer about the nature and role of angels in the universe. Gibbs states: By scriptural tradition, angels pull back the curtain, however briefly, on the realm of the Spirit. [And in] offering a glimpse of the larger universe, they issue a challenge to priorities and settled ways. Angels, she claims, seem to be a universal idea that cuts across cultures and spans centuries. Fifty-five per cent of adult Americans believe that angels are higher spiritual beings created by God with special powers to act as His agents on earth.

Whether an angel appears in a dream, as a comforting presence, or a physical person, there exists a remarkable similarity among reports of such encounters. Two angelic experiences are related in the TIME article:

A woman with uterine cancer is visited by a tall, dark stranger with deep blue eyes three days before she is to enter the hospital for surgery. The stranger states: I am Thomas. I am sent by God. He proceeds to raise his right hand and the incredible heat coming from his hand, and a strong white light passing over her body, convinces the woman she is cured of the cancer. In fact, test results prove negative, prompting her doctor to acknowledge he had witnessed a medical miracle.

Another woman reveals that her husband, in the throes of lymphocytic leukemia, was visited by a pale, white man with icy blue eyes. After the visit, the terminally ill man seemed lit up, just vibrant, according to his wife. He died two days later, but with what his wife called extraordinary peace of mind.

The encounters with angels seem to provide in some cases the extrication from danger, but in others they allow for the removal of the fear of that danger - a change in attitude, not circumstance. The common thread is a profound change in the lives of those who have had an experience with angels.

The article concludes: For all those who say they have had a direct experience of angels, no proof is necessary; for those predisposed to doubt angels' existence, no proof is possible. And for those in the mystified middle, there is often a growing desire to be persuaded. If heaven is willing to sing to us, it is little to ask that we be ready to listen.

The following are the videos about Angels:

These is the voice of an angel's:

Thursday, August 11, 2016

answer about JUSTICE

1.List and define the types of poetic foot or meter?
  IAMBIC-destroy (unaccented/accented).
 ANAPESTIC-intervene (unaccented/unaccented/accented)
TROCHAIC-Topsy (accented/unaccented)
DACTYLIC-merrily (accented/unaccented/unaccented)
SPONDAIC- hum drum (accented/accented)
PYRRHIC-the sea/sun of/mist (the ''sun of'' in the middle being unaccented/unaccented)
2.From the poem entitled JUSTICE what point of view is used?Explain your answer?
   -The point of view is used on the poem entitled JUSTICE is the first person and the author,he talk about what justice work.
3.Still from the same poem,mark the first five lines according to the types of poetic or meter?
                                                                by:Ralph Semino Galan


These are the accouterments of her office; (trochaic pentameter)
The blindfold symbolizing impartiality;(trochaic pentameter)
A golden pair of scales measuring the validity;(iambic hexameter)

Of evidence given,both pro and can;(iambic pentameter)
The double-edge sword that pierce through.(iambic tetrameter)

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

poem about Philippine Justice

                                                                ''JUSTICE IN PEACE''
               by :Imee H. Manulat & Kristy Joy T. Ballenas          
    Grade 11-STEM

     Justice is as hard as a stone,
     It's eyes walking with a throne,
     Finding the right place to hide,
     And now,standing with a pride,
     With all freedom and patience.

    It's definitely full of true lies,
    That ''justitia'' fade and safe,
    Getting to throw by those toes,
    For you I was a slave,
    And through space I was free.

    Justice was in prone,
    Like putting water to a broken cone,
    Wanting it back with a silent tone,
    Begging to come back home,
    To our beloved path of fate.

    You were living with pure,
    With a brightening atmosphere at the core,
     I am wishing you'll be mine,
     And at the right time,
    You will surely find hope and peace in me. 

justice poem


1.Why are symbols important in a poem?
     -Symbols are important in a poem because the readers give the meaning they will understand and their imagination and also those words that hard to understand.

2.Why are symbols important in the life of the nation?What do people get from the symbols of a nation?
   -Symbols are important in the life of nation as a serves identification to a place and easily to determined .People get from the symbols of a nation some knowledge and to be aware.

3.From the Philippine flag,what do the following symbols symbolized?
    a.3 STARS-the  3 stars symbolized Luzon,Visayas,Mindanao.
    b.8-RAYS SUN-the 8-rays symbolized the 8 islands who help the world war.
    c.BLUE COLOR-the blue color symbolized peace.
    d.RED COLOR-the red color symbolized war.
4.Why does the poem described the Philippines as  ''my uncertain country''?
    -'' my uncertain country'' described the Philippines as a home but not exactly known or decided or not definitely known.
5.What is the poem trying to say about the difference between justice in the Philippines and justice anywhere else?
   -The poem trying to say about the difference between justice the Philippines and justice anywhere else that Philippines is not a popular society that need also a justice And Philippine has a justice in minor cases,to commit for trial even to others.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


1. What do you know about the publication of Noli Me Tangere?  
  <I know about publication of Noli Me Tangere on 1887.

2. How did affect the Philippines??
      <It affects to the Phillippines to determine the situation of social change and revive filipino nationalism,pride and dignity.

3. Do you think novels in the Philippines are important as they used to be when the NOLI was published in 1887?

4. Are people still inspired by novels? Explain.
      <Yes,because novels is describe about fictional characters and events.

5. What is it about reading long texts, such as short stories or novels that makes  it different from reading tweets and Facebook status post? 
       < in novels you can learn a lot of interesting in Facebook a lot of information.

6. What is the significance of literature for the Facebook generation?
        <the significance of literature for the Facebook generation is to give information.