Thursday, August 11, 2016

answer about JUSTICE

1.List and define the types of poetic foot or meter?
  IAMBIC-destroy (unaccented/accented).
 ANAPESTIC-intervene (unaccented/unaccented/accented)
TROCHAIC-Topsy (accented/unaccented)
DACTYLIC-merrily (accented/unaccented/unaccented)
SPONDAIC- hum drum (accented/accented)
PYRRHIC-the sea/sun of/mist (the ''sun of'' in the middle being unaccented/unaccented)
2.From the poem entitled JUSTICE what point of view is used?Explain your answer?
   -The point of view is used on the poem entitled JUSTICE is the first person and the author,he talk about what justice work.
3.Still from the same poem,mark the first five lines according to the types of poetic or meter?
                                                                by:Ralph Semino Galan


These are the accouterments of her office; (trochaic pentameter)
The blindfold symbolizing impartiality;(trochaic pentameter)
A golden pair of scales measuring the validity;(iambic hexameter)

Of evidence given,both pro and can;(iambic pentameter)
The double-edge sword that pierce through.(iambic tetrameter)

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